Working Papers and Book Manuscripts (May 2003)
- "Policy Interests as a Source of Public Agency Problems: Some Evidence from International Environmental Treaties" (Under review at the Rand Journal of Economics).
- "Altruistic Voting, Some Electoral Implications of Civic Virtue," (under review at the Journal of Political Economy).
- "Rent-Seeking and Leviathan, How Efficient Can a Rent-Seeking Society Be?" (Under review at the Journal of Public Economics.)
- "Politics by Extraordinary Means: An Overview of the Political Economy of Gordon Tullock" (In revision for Public Choice.)
- "The Moral-Voter Hypothesis" (Under review at the Economics of Governance).
- "Do Constitutions Matter? Some Evidence from Sweden" (Under review of the Journal of Economic History.)
- "Central Bank Independence and the Politicized Allocation of Credit," (with Gustavo Arteta, under revision for the Journal of Monetary Economics).
- "The Political Economy of Crime Waves" (with R. D. Tollison, under revision for Public Choice).
- "From Dictatorship to Democracy without Revolution, Economic Growth and Constitutional Exchange within the King and Council Template"
- "Assessing the Effects of Bicameral Legislatures within Partisan, Parliamentary, and Presidential Systems"
- "Manipulating the Demand for Bureaucratic Services" (With Fabio Padovano, under revision).
- "Conservation Regulation: Cyclic Demand, Externalities and Politics"
- "Towards a First Best Method of Conservation Regulation: On the Political Economy of Demand Side Management."
- "Political Agency, Institutions and Myopic Constitutional Dynamics"
- "Intra-Familial Contracts" (with R. D. Tollison, and G. Anderson).
- "The Market for Politically Active Special Interest Groups"
- "Politics, Annexation Institutions and Local Fiscal Choice"
- "Is a Rawlsian Bureaucracy Deadly, Dull, or Dynamic? Optimal Bounds for Bureaucratic Discretion"
"From Dictatorship to Democracy without Revolution, Economic Growth and Constitutional Exchange within the King and Council Template," Allied Social Science Association Meetings (AEA session) Atlanta, Goergia (January 5, 2002)."Altruistic Voting, Some Electoral Implications of Civic Virtue," Japanese Public Choice Society Meetings, Tokyo, Japan ( July 7, 2001).
"Do Constitutions Matter? Some Evidence from Sweden" European Public Choice Society Meetings , Paris, France (April 13, 2001).
"200 Years of Swedish Constitutional History, a Public Choice Approach" Public Choice Society Meetings, San Antonio Tx (March 10, 2001).
Other Papers Presented (2001)
"Notes on the Political Economy of Terrorism," Center for Study of Public Choice, Sept. 11, 2001."Assessing the Effects of Bicameral Legislatures within Partisan, Parliamentary, and Presidential Systems," SNS Workship on Constitutional Reform, Stockholm, Sweden (September 28, 2001)
"A Political Efficiency Case for Federalism in Multinational States: Controlling Ethnic Rent-Seeking," Chuo University, Tokyo Japan (July 14, 2001).
"Policy Interests as a Source of Public Agency Problems: Some Evidence from International Environmental Treaties" University of Kyoto, Japan, (July 9, 2001).
"Governing the Global Environmental Commons: The Political Economy of International Environmental Treaties and Institutions," LAEP, Univerisity of Paris (the Sabone) Paris, France (May 22, 2001).
"Policy Interests as a Source of Public Agency Problems: Some Evidence from International Environmental Treaties," University of Mannheim, Germany (May 18, 2001).
"Governing the Global Environmental Commons: The Political Economy of International Environmental Treaties and Institutions," University of Mannheim, Germany (May 18, 2001).
"Policy Interests as a Source of Public Agency Problems: Some Evidence from International Environmental Treaties," University of Freiburg, Germany (May 17, 2001).
"Policy Interests as a Source of Public Agency Problems: Some Evidence from International Environmental Treaties," St Gallen University, Switzerland (May 15, 2001).