_ A Small Danish Windmill Farm
Environmental Economics
Fall, 2012
Roger Congleton
Office:   405 B&E 
Phone:   304 293 7866
E-Mail:   roger.congleton@mail.wvu.edu
Website:  rdc1.net
Office Hours: 
Wednesday 2:30-3:30,
Thursday 2:30-3:30 

and by appointment
   Class time T-Th 1:00 -2:15   Class Room: B&E 440
Suggested Text:

Optional Texts:

Callan, S. J. and Thomas, J. M. (2000 or 2006) Environmental Economics and Management. 4th (or later) Edition. New York: South Western.

Lomborg, B. (2001) The Skeptical Environmentalist. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Field, B. C. and Field, M. K. (2000) Environmental Economics, an Introduction. 5th Ed. NY: McGraw-Hill.
Anderson, T. and Leal, D. R. (2004) Free Market Environmentalism. NY: Palgrave.

Links to
other Environmental
8/21 I. Introduction: Economic Development and the Environment, Normative and Positive Economics, and the Geometry of Rational Choice C&T 1,2,7 / L 1,3,4
 FF 1-3
II. Commons and Externalities Problems 
(Commons spreadsheet: 123, WK4, XLS, pdf)
C&T 3, 4
FF  4, 5
9/13 III. Environmental Regulations and Civil Law as Solutions C&T 3, 4 / FF 9-13
IV. The Importance of Time and Uncertainty in Environmental Economics Appendix on C/B
10/2 Review for First Exam
10/4 Exam First Exam

Review of First Exam


V. Politics of Environmental Regulation: Voters and Interest Groups

C&T 6 / L2  
10/23 Applications:    Local and Regional Environmental Problems
(Private Cost Benefit Calculations: Light Bulb & SUVs Spreadsheet)
C&T 16, 18 / L 13, 20 / FF 15, 16, 17
Energy (tot,fos,ren,per)
10/25 Applications: National and International Environmental Problems
Acid Rain (SO2) / Cap and Trade / Ozone and CFCs  Ozone  / Air Quality
C&T 11, 14, 19
  L 23, 22 / FF 18, 20
11/1 Applications:   
Global Warming, Theory and Evidence / International Environmental Treaties
C&T 13 / L 24 / FF 21
11/19-23 Thanksgiving Break No Class


4/29 Exam

Review for Second Exam

Second Exam  (Comprehensive)

Review of Second Exam

Class overview: 
Sustainable Growth: Planning for the Long Run
C&T 20 / L 9-12, 23
 SAE cars / VW
12/14 Paper  6-8 Page Final Paper Due (by midnite via e-mail)